
Woohoo! So pleased with how much I have achieved on this course over the last couple of months!
Last Assessment complete, now to crack onto my case studies


Aromatherapy for Horses


Woohoo! So pleased with how much I have achieved on this course over the last couple of months! Last Assessment complete, now to crack onto my case studies


My horse had laminitis three years ago. It took her over a year to recover and her right foot is very sensitive since that time. A couple of days ago she stapped on a rock during the ride and she was not walking very well afterwards. Her foot was sore and her hoof was feeling very warm. When there was no progress after three days , i performed the raindrop technique on the tingpoints ( i’ m acupressure practicioner as well). The day after she was walking without pain again and her hoof was no longer warm!


Aromatherapy for Horses


My horse had laminitis three years ago. It took her over a year to recover and her right foot is very sensitive since that time. A couple of days ago she stapped on a rock during the ride and she was not walking very well afterwards. Her foot was sore and her hoof was feeling very warm. When there was no progress after three days , i performed the raindrop technique on the tingpoints ( i’ m acupressure practicioner as well). The day after she was walking without pain again and her hoof was no longer warm!

Springer Spaniel Bella

“My springer spaniel Bella has had a long and expensive history of ear infections and after the last lot of vet bills the next one meant euthanasia for my darling dog. All the vet treatments would no longer work and as she is elderly and also has Addison’s Disease she was at the end of the road. I’d discussed briefly with Sietske using oils as a treatment months ago but had never followed up on it. Recently Bella’s ears became infected again and were oozing gunk and very painful, but I still couldn’t bring myself to put her down. So as a last ditch effort I contacted Sietske and she put my on to a blend of oils that have astounded me. Whilst the infection hasn’t completely cleared it has certainly reduced and Bella is much more comfortable, smells better and the gunk is minimal. Frankly, I was a bit dubious as to whether there would be any result at all and was blown away by how effective the treatment was. I couldn’t believe how quickly they worked – so much faster than all the drugs I have been giving her in the past. I knothat the green dream is still on the cards but the results from the oils means that I will have her for a bit longer and at much smaller expense."


Aromatherapy for Horses


“My springer spaniel Bella has had a long and expensive history of ear infections and after the last lot of vet bills the next one meant euthanasia for my darling dog. All the vet treatments would no longer work and as she is elderly and also has Addison’s Disease she was at the end of the road. I’d discussed briefly with Sietske using oils as a treatment months ago but had never followed up on it. Recently Bella’s ears became infected again and were oozing gunk and very painful, but I still couldn’t bring myself to put her down. So as a last ditch effort I contacted Sietske and she put my on to a blend of oils that have astounded me. Whilst the infection hasn’t completely cleared it has certainly reduced and Bella is much more comfortable, smells better and the gunk is minimal. Frankly, I was a bit dubious as to whether there would be any result at all and was blown away by how effective the treatment was. I couldn’t believe how quickly they worked – so much faster than all the drugs I have been giving her in the past. I knothat the green dream is still on the cards but the results from the oils means that I will have her for a bit longer and at much smaller expense."

Hoof Canker

“Hi Sietske, Wohoo, I have signed up as a Young Living Essential Oils distributor!!! Not really been one for oils before but a blend of Young Living oils has cured my horses canker/thrush in the frogs of his back feet! I have chucked an arsenall of of pharmacology at this problem, treated it internally with steroids and externally with you name it and nothing has touched it. Thanks to you I finally found something that works.. He no longer walks toe heel, his back looks better as he is not in pain and the frog is healthy and growing.. Love love love these oils… Most of which we can ingest either in hot water or in a capsule.. Dont know of any other oils you can do that with ?


Aromatherapy for Horses


“Hi Sietske, Wohoo, I have signed up as a Young Living Essential Oils distributor!!! Not really been one for oils before but a blend of Young Living oils has cured my horses canker/thrush in the frogs of his back feet! I have chucked an arsenall of of pharmacology at this problem, treated it internally with steroids and externally with you name it and nothing has touched it. Thanks to you I finally found something that works.. He no longer walks toe heel, his back looks better as he is not in pain and the frog is healthy and growing.. Love love love these oils… Most of which we can ingest either in hot water or in a capsule.. Dont know of any other oils you can do that with ?

Bram’s Story

“Brams Story: Bram was born in the cattle yards here on our station in the upper gascoyne during mustering, his mother was a first time calver, Bramand due stress and inexperience she did not mother up with Bram resulting in him not getting the care he needed from her. During his time in the yards he was knocked over and trampled several times until we came to his aid and brought him home and started caring for him. He grew stronger and stronger every day and was always happy to see the milky bar being filled up, but there was a problem, due the the injury’s sustained he could not get up on his feet by himself so this ment i was going over to my poddy pen every 2.5-3hrs and picking him up taking him to the water or milky bar or just moving him out of the sun. This had been going on for around 4-5 weeks and we were right on the verge of putting him to sleep as we knew it was no life laying on the ground all the time and it ment that he may need to be picked up all his life. on Tuesday the 27th November Sietske came to visit me, during our chats i had mentioned Bram ans Sietske was keen to have a go at helping him (this was the last resort for us) after a raindrop treatment on one of my horses and bodywork on the other Sietske was ready to spend some time with Bram, After some bodywork and raindrop he seemed to be feeling a little better, we let him back into the pen and gave him some time to process it all, about 2 hrs later Sietske and I went over to see how he was going to our suprise he got up all by himself, this was the FIRST time EVER that he had got onto his feet without assistance, it was truley a miracle! But then we had another bridge to cross, due to him always laying down and not moving around his bowel had not had much stimulation and therefor he was severly constipated, Sietske then thought we would try and Enema with oils, this turned out to be a great idea and he is now on top of the world, I am so glad that Sietske came to see me and my animals, we all thoughly enjoyed her visit and look forward to seeing her agan. Bram is now loving the feeling of kicking his heels up for the first time ever in his 2 months of life. Rachel”


Aromatherapy for Horses


“Brams Story: Bram was born in the cattle yards here on our station in the upper gascoyne during mustering, his mother was a first time calver, Bramand due stress and inexperience she did not mother up with Bram resulting in him not getting the care he needed from her. During his time in the yards he was knocked over and trampled several times until we came to his aid and brought him home and started caring for him. He grew stronger and stronger every day and was always happy to see the milky bar being filled up, but there was a problem, due the the injury’s sustained he could not get up on his feet by himself so this ment i was going over to my poddy pen every 2.5-3hrs and picking him up taking him to the water or milky bar or just moving him out of the sun. This had been going on for around 4-5 weeks and we were right on the verge of putting him to sleep as we knew it was no life laying on the ground all the time and it ment that he may need to be picked up all his life. on Tuesday the 27th November Sietske came to visit me, during our chats i had mentioned Bram ans Sietske was keen to have a go at helping him (this was the last resort for us) after a raindrop treatment on one of my horses and bodywork on the other Sietske was ready to spend some time with Bram, After some bodywork and raindrop he seemed to be feeling a little better, we let him back into the pen and gave him some time to process it all, about 2 hrs later Sietske and I went over to see how he was...

Rain Scald

Just letting you know that the oil spray is working on the rain scald. The scubs are starting to flake off. Jigsaw`s going well he has started cantering around the paddock again which we haven`t seen him do for a while. He is draging his feet less and is rolling a lot better than before.


Aromatherapy for Horses


Just letting you know that the oil spray is working on the rain scald. The scubs are starting to flake off. Jigsaw`s going well he has started cantering around the paddock again which we haven`t seen him do for a while. He is draging his feet less and is rolling a lot better than before.

Practitioner Course

“I had such and amazing weekend at the Equine Raindrop Technique Practitioner course. I could have sat and listened to Elizabeth and Sietske all day long. Their wealth of knowledge and experience has me in awe. I feel very inspired to go out and start using the Equine Raindrop Technique. I feel confident in what I have learned and found the manuals easy to follow. The hands on experience really gives you the foundations to go out and start using the technique. Elizabeth and Sietske are inspiring women who truly amaze me with all that the are involved in. Their want to help horses and people alike is truly inspiring. Thank you so much for putting together this course for people like me wanting to make a difference also”….


Aromatherapy for Horses


“I had such and amazing weekend at the Equine Raindrop Technique Practitioner course. I could have sat and listened to Elizabeth and Sietske all day long. Their wealth of knowledge and experience has me in awe. I feel very inspired to go out and start using the Equine Raindrop Technique. I feel confident in what I have learned and found the manuals easy to follow. The hands on experience really gives you the foundations to go out and start using the technique. Elizabeth and Sietske are inspiring women who truly amaze me with all that the are involved in. Their want to help horses and people alike is truly inspiring. Thank you so much for putting together this course for people like me wanting to make a difference also”….
Aromatherapy for Horses